Racecourse Works Masterplan

April 8, 2021 4:17 pm Published by

The draft masterplan for the Racecourse Precinct has been the focus for MVRC in 2020 to respond to the requirements of Schedule 2 of the Special Use Zone and the Advisory Panel recommendations.

The masterplan will guide and inform critical infrastructure, service requirements, movement & access and built form for the redevelopment of the Racecourse Precinct. Importantly, activities under the masterplan are to be finalised before the detailed design phase can commence for the new infrastructure, i.e. Grandstand, Track & Infield.

Please be advised the Your Say page for community feedback on the Moonee Valley Racecourse Masterplan is now open and will close on 22 April.  You can find the link here: https://yoursay.mvcc.vic.gov.au/mvrcmasterplan

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