Common Questions Answered and Access to Important Documents.

The Valley of Tomorrow
Who is the developer?
The Moonee Valley Racing Club has appointed the joint venture development team Hostplus-Hamton to deliver The Valley of Tomorrow. You can read more about each of the project partners here
Are the plans approved?
In March 2015 the State Government approved the planning scheme amendment for the precinct, following a period of consultation via a Planning Advisory Committee. This means the planning framework (including height and setback controls and traffic requirements) and indicative planning framework layout has been approved, however the development team is required to seek permit approval from the City of Moonee Valley for each successive stage of the development.
Can I object?
There are no third party rights to object to the activities that reference the approved planning framework. However, Hostplus-Hamton is committed to engaging with the community and welcomes conversation. You can ensure your voice is heard in the following ways:
Contact a representative of The Valley of Tomorrow Community Reference Group here
Write to the development team here
How long will the project take?
The project will span approximately 15 to 20 years, with the length impacted by a range of uncontrollable factors including planning approvals, real estate market conditions, the political landscape and much more.
How many apartments will there be?
Due to the long-term nature of this project, it is too early to provide a final number of apartments. The number of apartments will respond to market needs over time.
How do I register my information if I want to buy an apartment?
You can submit your details by visiting the Contact Us page and selecting Sales and Marketing as the nature of your enquiry.
I live nearby and construction impacts me. How do I find out what is happening and when?
There will be a Construction Management Plan agreed with Council as part of the permit process for each stage of the development to ensure everyone’s interests are well managed. Local residents will be able to access regular construction updates on the News page of our website.
If you live within 1km distance of the project we will also mail you directly to alert you in advance of construction commencing.
How do I complain if construction impacts me?
Please use contact details found on Contact Us page.
How do I join the Community Reference Group?
The Community Reference Group (CRG) consists of members with an interest or potential to be impacted by the future development at the racecourse. Members must also be endorsed by a local organisation if representing one.
Expressions of interest can be made via the Contact Us page on this website, however, the CRG is already formed and has commenced meetings as of February 2018
How often does the Community Reference Group meet?
On a quarterly basis with all agendas and minutes of each meeting available on our Community page.
I have a question that isn’t on this list. What do I do?
We’d love to hear from you. Simply head over to our Contact Us page to provide your information and get in touch.
These FAQ’s will be updated regularly with common questions not currently answered here.
To receive community information or updates via email, please request to do so via the form below or email mpcommunity@hamton.com.au
If you would like to speak to someone from Hamton directly please call 0467 632 728